Life Calling on the Beach is a film series produced by Education on Purpose®. These were all created by filmmaker Stephen Millard. They feature Dr. Bill Millard talking about his theory of Life Calling developed from over three decades of research. The videos use stunning scenes from Oak Island, North Carolina. The music is an original score composed by Stephen Millard. Each episode uses metaphors from the island and the beach to introduce the exploration of the overall concept of life calling and the higher purpose it instills in our lives. Each episode below is introduced by a brief description of the episode.
Episode 1 Overview
This episode introduces the whole series and Oak Island by describing how the ocean and the beach can serve as a metaphor for one's life calling.
Episode 2: Foundational Values
This episode uses the night sky above the beach to explain how our foundational values form our beliefs about our existence and play a critical role in the emergence of a sense of purpose and calling in our life.
Episode 3: Faith
This episode uses the metaphor of a lighthouse to discuss the importance of exploring faith as our existential premises. These will guide the way we think about the rest of the elements of a life calling.
Episode 4: Character
This episode uses the metaphor of rowing together in a tandem kayak to illustrate the need for our actions to match our faith if we are going to be effective in pursuing an overall purpose in life.
Episode 5: Service
This episode uses the metaphor of boats to explore the overall concept of service and how a spirit of service is the only way to truly discover an overall purpose in life.
Episode 6: Unique Design
This episode uses the metaphor of boats to explore the overall concept of service and how a spirit of service is the only way to truly discover an overall purpose in life.
Episode 7: Strengths
This episode uses the metaphor of wind interacting with wings and sails to explore the overall concept of strengths and how they can help people maximize their lives.
Episode 8: Physical Strengths
This episode focuses uses the metaphor of a waves to explore physical strengths as being more than just brute force in our lives.
Episode 9: Emotional Strengths
This episode uses the metaphors of a bike, storms, water flow, and other examples to explore emotional strengths and the valuable information emotions provide to our Life Calling.
Episode 10: Intellectual Strengths
This episode uses the metaphor of navigation to explore intellectual strengths and the need to use a variety of ways to learn.
Episode 11: Psychological Strengths
This episode explores the way we might make choices in planning a journey across the waters and uses this example to help explain the role psychological strengths have in shaping our life calling.
Episode 12: Spiritual Strengths
This episode uses the metaphor of the moon's tidal force to explore spiritual strengths and the mystical power they have.
Episode 13: Passions
This episode uses a bonfire on the beach to explore the dynamics of passions in our life and the role these play in making us unique individuals.
Episode 14: Experiences
This episode uses a hurricane and its aftermath to explore the role life experiences play in shaping us into the unique individuals we are.
Episode 15: Personal Mission
This episode uses stream and river patterns as a metaphor to discuss how one's personal mission in life calling can follow different paths.
Episode 16: Needs
This episode uses the metaphor of the beach and different responses to the beach to explore how people respond differently to the needs of the world as they pursue their life calling.
Episode 17: Vision
This episode uses the metaphor of 3D and the view from a drone to explore the overall concept of vision and how this can help people put their life calling in the best perspective.
Episode 18: Action
This episode uses the metaphor of disc golf to discuss how action ultimately must be taken if a life calling is to be realized.
Episode 19: Conclusion
This episode closes out the series. It uses clips from the previous episodes to illustrate insights that have been gained that can help us continue our lifetime exploration of a life calling.
Education on Purpose® is a wholly owned subsidiary of Life Discovery, LLC.